Wildlife Research

Heartwood Habitat has extensive experience in conducting arboreal fauna surveys across a variety of landscapes. We can provide skilled and experienced arborists to meet the needs of your project.
Some of our services include:
- Wildlife and habitat surveys, in the canopy and at tree hollows and nest boxes.
- Collection of precise and consistent morphology data, measuring a diversity of tree and hollow attributes.
- Biotic and genetic sampling, such as scat, hair, and feather collection.
- Installation of nesting boxes, wildlife cameras, and acoustic recorders in the tree canopy.
Here are some of the projects we’ve been involved with. Get in touch so we can talk about supporting your next project.
Palm Cockatoo – Cape York Peninsula, QLD
People For Wildlife
Habitat enhancement – Efforts include the design, construction, and installation of specialised nest boxes tailored to the specific nesting needs of the Palm Cockatoo.
In addition, existing natural tree hollows are modified and enhanced to meet precise nesting specifications.
These actions aim to support breeding behaviours and gather critical ecological data on habitat preferences, breeding success, and population dynamics.
The collected data will be used to monitor trends and improve conservation strategies for the species.
Regent Parrot – Riverland, SA
National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia
The Riverland Rangers – the River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (RMMAC)
Climbing assistance / Data collection – hollow survey, data collection, and video monitoring of known Regent Parrot hollows and nest trees.
Gang Gang Cockatoo – Canberra, ACT
ACT Parks and Conservation
Climbing assistance / Data collection – installing nesting tubes, thermal loggers, measuring nest hollows, and video monitoring.
Regent Honeyeater – Chiltern, VIC
Bird Life Australia
Climbing assistance / Data collection – Understanding the factors causing poor nest survival in captive bred and released Regent Honeyeaters in Chiltern Mt-Pilot National Park after the 2017 release.
Swift Parrot – Bruny Island, TAS
Difficult Bird Research Group
Climbing assistance / Habitat enhancement / Data collection – installation of nest boxes, data collection, and monitoring of known Swift Parrot hollows and nest boxes.
Superb Parrot – Canberra, ACT
ACT Parks and Conservation
Climbing assistance / Data Collection – Collecting data of known Superb Parrot hollows.
Greater Glider – Wombat State Forest, VIC
Ecology & Restoration Australia
Climbing assistance / Habitat enhancement – introduction of chainsaw carved hollows.
Leadbeater’s Possum – Central Highlands, VIC
Ecology and Heritage Partners
Climbing assistance / Data collection – installation of baiting tubes & video monitoring.

“Alex is my first pick for arboriculture support, always! Heartwood Habitat has all the experience in habitat enhancement and in-tree wildlife research that you need.”
Dr Laura Rayner – Senior Ecologist at ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate